Toronado Owners Association Classifieds

Here we will be listing classifieds for all manner of Toronado parts and cars for sale by TOA members and guests. Review the Rules and Regulations before submitting your ads to ensure they get posted!

Click here for the ad submission form.

Click here to see our current Classifieds.

Please note: New Classifieds are posted in the Members’ Area when each Driver Magazine is published. Older classifieds are moved to the public site at that time. To remove an ad, send an email to

Classified Rules, Regulations, and Rates


Free member ads are limited to 40 words. Additional words 10 cents each.


Our rate structure is as follows:
Full page (7x10"), $190 per issue, $1000 full year
1/2 page (7x5"), $105 per issue, $550 full year
1/4 page (3.5x5), $60 per issue, $325 full year
Business card (3.5x2), $30 per issue, $160 full year

Classifieds - Non-members: 40 words, 1 issue and 2 months in the web classifieds - $20. $10 for each additional issue/2 months on the web. Words over 40, 10 cents each additional.

Classified Photo (one column) - $25 for duration of ad (members and non-members). Printed in black & white only in the newsletter; in color on the website.

Please submit ad copy and photos to with Advertisement as the subject, or use our classified submission form on the website. Payment via PayPal to Ads and payment may also be mailed to TOA, PO Box 373 Hubertus, WI 53033-0373. Ads will be printed in the issue following receipt of payment.


"My dad had a beautiful, low mileage 1985 Olds Toronado that he no longer drove and wanted to sell it… 5 years ago. I advertised it in the area newspapers, our work classifieds,, Craigslist and EBay, which got little interest except for someone wanting a 2nd car for their kid who just got their license, because if was an 'older' car. Finally I thought I would see if there was a Toronado Club, thinking these people would know the value of this vehicle. I found the Toronado Owner's Classifieds and had an ad put in. It took just a couple of months and it was sold to someone who really appreciates the Toronado for the classic car that it is!

Thank you so much!!"

Submission Guidelines

Everyone is permitted to submit a classified for parts or cars for sale. Ad submissions are strictly monitored. Please follow these guidelines:

+ All ads MUST be Toronado related. Others will be deleted at the discretion of the administrator. We require a price to be included on cars for sale.

+ Your phone number, email address and description is required.

+ Keep all listings to 40 words or less for free ads.

+ Please do not submit ads for Services Offered or for paid ads (non-member or large ads) in this section. If you wish to submit this type of ad, please CONTACT US.

+ Appropriate language is required. No profanity, slang, slander, etc. will be tolerated.

+ The administrator is free to delete any posts that do not meet this criteria.

Thank you for your cooperation!

Submission Forms

Classified Ad Submission Form