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Bills Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Wed Jan 31, 2024 6:58 am

Hello Everyone,

I am back from my trip down to the Corvette Museum to load a new 2024 for my customer in Florida & subsequent transports to get me home. All pictured below.

Love my job, my fellow car guys & the variety of cars I get to drive.....New Corvette (because obviously you DO NOT winch a car like this), Pro Mod Camaro & a Model T all in the same week

When I come back out of hibernation in March I will have multiple openings for transports in the single car enclosed trailer from the East/Central part of the country out to the West Coast as I have multiple cars waiting out there that have locked spots on my schedule coming back.

April will start my 42nd year in business with well over 4 million accident-free transport miles. Please see this link for hundreds of all positive feedback posted by the actual customers who have used my service in the past. ... ed.614419/

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Sun Feb 11, 2024 5:01 am

Hello Everyone,

The Enclosed Transport Spot from Florida up towards the North is still available. I have cars waiting in Michigan & Pennsylvania, so basically anywhere north. Even though I will probably make this trip around the 1st of March, I may consider a little sooner, depending on the situation as transport bookings are piling up!

This will start my 42nd year in business with well over 4 million accident-free transport miles. Please see this link for hundreds of all positive feedback posted by the actual customers who have used my service in the past. ... ed.614419/

Give me a call, email or P.M. for a cash on delivery price quote, discuss transport options or recommendations for other quality transporters that I trust 100% with my customer overflow.

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
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Bills Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Sat May 11, 2024 8:12 am

Hello Everyone,

I would like to thank all the customers on my schedule for their patience & understanding as I dealt with a minor health issue with Myself & also my Wife (different issue, same time). I am back running & getting caught up as quickly as humanly possible.

Around the 1st of June, I should have an enclosed transport spot available from Washington, Idaho, Western Montana or possibly Oregon down to Southern California, Arizona or the Las Vegas area.

Sometime in late June or early July I will be delivering in Southern Maine & will then have an enclosed spot available from New England back towards Ohio, but will consider many other delivery locations.

This is my 42 year in business with 4.5 million accident free transport miles. Please see this link for hundreds of all Positive feedback posted by the actual customers, Not By Me! ... ed.614419/

I am always available to quote prices, discuss transport options or recommend one of the small handful of gentlemen I trust 100% with my customer overflow, so you don't get screwed by the bottom feeders!

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Sun May 26, 2024 8:28 am

Hello Everyone,

Just back from my 3rd of 4 west coast round trips & will be heading out there again soon.

On or about the 1st of June I will b e delivering in Eastern Washington & will be available to transport from Washington, Idaho, Western Montana or Oregon down to Southern California or Arizona in the single car enclosed trailer.

This is my 42 year in business with 4.5 million accident free transport miles. Please see this link for hundreds of all Positive feedback posted by the actual customers, Not By Me! ... ed.614419/

I am always available to quote prices, discuss transport options or recommend one of the small handful of gentlemen I trust 100% with my customer overflow, so you don't get screwed by the bottom feeders!

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
(216)832-8697 No Texts
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Bills Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Tue Jun 11, 2024 9:01 am

Hello Everyone,

I stopped home for a couple of days in the middle of my 4th coast to coast round trip since the 1st of March. I will continue on to South Carolina, North Carolina, Maine, New York & Wisconsin.

Once I get to Wisconsin, I will have an enclosed transport spot available from there back toward Ohio or surrounding areas. This transport will be somewhere on or about June 19th

The following week (June 23rd) I will have an enclosed transport spot available from South Carolina or surrounding areas up towards Ohio

I will NOT be going back out to the west coast until at least the end of July as I need to concentrate on stuff in the eastern half of the country for a while. I do have a car waiting in Los Angeles & one waiting in Tacoma, Wa for late July & August, so I will have openings out to those areas from the eastern/central part of the country if you are not in a hurry!

This is my 42 year in business with 4.5 million accident free transport miles. Please see this link for hundreds of all Positive feedback posted by the actual customers, Not By Me! ... ed.614419/

I am always available to quote prices, discuss transport options or recommend one of the small handful of gentlemen I trust 100% with my customer overflow, so you don't get screwed by the bottom feeders!

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
(216)832-8697 No Texts
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Thu Jun 27, 2024 8:21 am

Hello Everyone,

Finished up a couple of great trips over the last couple of weeks & transported some GREAT vehicles! See pictures below.

Now the tough part.....My wife Laura has been diagnosed with Cancer & it has spread from one part of her body to another. She had surgery on her upper spine to remove a mass & had a rod & screws installed to stabilize her spine. She is now in recovery & after a bit of rehab, we will be back with the oncologist to address the other part. We are staying positive & praying that she will beat this & be back at cruises & car shows yet this year!!!!! PLEASE all my Friends/Customers/Fellow Car Guys...Keep Her in Your Prayers.

I have cleared my schedule except for a car already here in Ohio down to South Carolina. I will run this transport in the next week or so. If someone is needing transport from S.C. Northern Florida, Georgia up to Ohio Indiana, Western Pa. or Michigan, I am available. I need to make this trip as short as possible, so my focus will be fairly tight as far a pickup & delivery locations, but don't hesitate to ask. Other than that, I will be off the road to help my Wife get through this until at least August.

I also have an opening out to SoCal/Phoenix/Las Vegas for August from anywhere in the East or Central part of the country, but we have some time on that one.

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
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Bills Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Sat Aug 31, 2024 6:46 am

Hello Everyone,

Again I would like to thank all the well wishers & those praying for Laura & I. We have decided that I should be able to get back on the road somewhere around the 1st of October in a limited schedule of trips that will only keep me out a day or two at a time. This means I can run basically anywhere in the eastern third of the country.

I already have an Enclosed transport spot available early to mid October from Florida up to the North (ideally the Ohio area, but I am always open to other options)

Even though I am still off the road till then, I am available to offer help in the way of names of guys I trust 100% with my customers overflow. I have a handful of Honest, Quality Transporters who are Car Guys as well that I can recommend so you DON'T get screwed! I might not be able answer as quickly as normal, but will return ALL emails, messages & calls.

God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
(216)832-8697 No Texts ... ed.614419/
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Tue Sep 24, 2024 9:34 am

Hello Everyone,

I am back to providing you all my Quality Transport Service albeit on a limited basis. I will be staying in the Eastern 3RD of the country so that I can only be away from home for a day or two at a time.

The week of September 30th I will have an Enclosed transport spot available from New England (N.H, Vt, CT, R.I. etc) back towards Ohio, In, Mi,Pa.

The week of October 6th I will have an Enclosed transport spot available from The Albany, NY, Conn, Mass areas back to Ohio, Ind, Mich areas.

Mid October I will have an Enclosed Transport spot available from Florida, South Carolina or Georgia up to Ohio, Ind, Mich, etc.

I am finishing up my 42nd year in business with 4.5 million accident-free transport miles & well over 2800 vehicles transported over that time.

Please see this link for more pictures & Hundreds of ALL positive feedback posted by the actual customers who have used my service in the past...Not By Me! ... ed.614419/

Give me a call, email or P.M. for a cash on delivery price quote. Unlike others you may call, you will be treated with friendly respect by a fellow car guy, NOT treated like you are bothering me!

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
(216)832-8697 No Texts
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Bills Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Sun Oct 13, 2024 1:29 pm

Hello Everyone,

My choice to stay in the Eastern 3RD of the country so I can only be away from home for one night at a time has worked (so far). I am sorry that I cannot help as many folks with their transports like the past, but if I cannot get you on my schedule, I have a small handful of Quality, Honest Real Car Guys that I have vetted fully & trust 100% with my customer overflow. I will be glad to pass along their information, so you can contact them.

Last week I was honored to pickup this Yenko Stinger (pictured below) from the Crawford Auto Museum in Cleveland, Oh & transport it back to the Corvair Museum in Illinois. Kind of cool that this is the 1st time I have seen this car since I dropped it off to be restored in Illinois from Washington State several years ago.

I do have a couple of Enclosed Transport spots available over the next couple of weeks:

From Ohio, Mich, In over to the Conn, Mass, etc area

From Ohio, Mich, In down to Eastern Tennessee, Western Virginia, Eastern Kentucky

As always I am available to quote cash on delivery prices or answer ANY questions you may have about my industry, truck, trailers, etc. Because of my situation at home I may not be able to answer every time or respond back as quickly as in the past, but please know that EVERY inquiry (call, email, P.M.) will be responded to in a Friendly, Respectful way & in a timely fashion!

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
(216)832-8697 No Texts ... ed.614419/
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Bills Auto Works
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Postby Bills Auto Works » Sun Oct 27, 2024 5:20 am

Hello Everyone,

The spot from Virginia back to Ohio has filled!

I still have these few available :

Ohio, Michigan, Indiana up to Connecticut, Mass, etc later this week

Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, etc back to Ohio or possibly further east.

Wichita, Kansas City, Eastern Nebraska or Missouri back to Ohio & surrounding states late the week of November 11th.

Please see this link for hundreds more all positive references posted by the ACTUAL customers NOT by Me! ... ed.614419/

All these available spots are for sure openings as I have confirmed transports to those areas.....No hyperbole & these spots don't last long, so call, email or P.M. for your cash on delivery price quote!

Thank You & God Bless
Bill Squires(owner)
Bill's Auto Works
(216)832-8697 No Texts
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