Hi Verne & Kathleen,
Thanks for sharing this great tip! I'm sure Generation 2 owners in need of an engine control module will be most interested in contacting this firm. Perhaps their contact information can be published in a future issue of FWD magazine.
Thanks again for sharing, and my very best regards to you both.
Greg Van Beek
Hi again Greg. I have found a business that deals in many different engine
control modules. We were able to obtain one for our 77 Toronado, this
company rebuilds modules and when the old core is sent in a credit is issued.
The supplier is: Bob Stackhouse Enterprises 240 Clark Road Duryea Penn.
18642. Just thought this might be usefull information for other TOA
members, in case they have the same problem we had.
Thankyou for your interest and communication. All the best to TOA
owners enjoying their Toronados this summer.
Regards, Verne and Kathleen Wiese
GEN II Engine Control Modules
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