new owner 68 deluxe

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Years Owned: just purchased 68 toronado
Location: Central TX

new owner 68 deluxe

Postby damalden » Mon May 28, 2012 12:30 pm

Hello folks,

Just picked up a project for my son who is going to begin highschool in the fall.

needs a lot of work, first things first, has not operated in a decade, so we need to drain the gas and fluids before trying to crank it over.

should i squirt a little oil into the spark plug holes just in case?

if anyone can offer a check list, and send me to places to read up so i don't ask too many questions that have been covered before.

my mechanical skills are intermediate, i do all my own general maintenance on my 2004 Focus SVT, and my BMW F650GS

I look forward to this project, and we really want to/have to do it on the cheap.

what is a good source for weatherstripping and door seal kits etc.?

One thing I just cannot figure out, and have not found out yet about the design.
Why is the rear deck lid below the glass open to allow for water to flow through into the drain tubes through the trunk?

Posts: 66
Joined: Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:27 pm
TOA Membership Number: 102
Years Owned: 1968 Toronado, silver owned since Dec1986/Jan 1987 to present
1968 W-34 Toronado (totaled 3/9/03), blue, owned since August 1994
1968 W-34 Torondo, gold, loaded with many rare options, owned since 2003
1968 W-34 Toronado, red, bought in Nov/Dec of 2005, Was Lot#609 for Barrett-Jackson auction, March of 2005 . Firdst two "owners", was GM employees. I'm still in contact with Bob B. (OLds Zone Rep for North CArolina, retired 1992).

I aslos have a white 1985 Buick Riveria, that I would like to trade for another Toronado, or an old Ford pick-up truck.
Location: Sebago,Maine

Re: new owner 68 deluxe

Postby toro68 » Mon Jul 16, 2012 1:39 pm

Jan or Feb of 1987, when I was a Junior in high school, is when I gto my silver 68 Toronado.

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TOA Membership Number: 42
Years Owned: 1966 Deluxe and 1992 Trofeo
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Re: new owner 68 deluxe

Postby janeg » Sat Jul 21, 2012 9:00 am

Hi - sorry you did not get responses to your questions posted in May. Hopefully now that this has moved up you will Try for the weatherstripping
Jane G
TOA #042
Membership Director

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