Randomly acquired '91 toro trefeo.. what am I in for?

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Re: Randomly acquired '91 toro trefeo.. what am I in for?

Postby DrK » Mon Sep 16, 2013 12:06 pm

I agree with the good gas idea; I hate ethanol in my gasoline.
When I bought my 1997 Aurora two years ago, the gas gauge was wonky and readings changed with every block; ethanol had gummed up the gauge sending unit in my gas tank.
It was a low-mileage Aurora, so I hated the idea of crawling in the trunk and pulling the fuel pump.
So I ran two bottles of Techron through my fuel system -- and it totally cleaned everything up and my gas gauge has been reading perfectly ever since.
In Canada, I buy the Shell "V Power" gasoline -- it's the only premium blend I know of that promises "no ethanol" at all in it.
Mind you, in terms of octane, I find my 92 Toronado Trofeo runs like a top on good old 87 octane gas; it was designed for regular. Again, though, I would clean out the system with some Techron and try to avoid ethanol fuels if you can.
My two-bits worth.
Greg "Dr K" Kennedy
1970 GT | 1981 | 1987 | 1992 Trofeo | 1997 Aurora

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